Virtual Learning

Executive functions and reading comprehension: Your don’t get one without the other


Bonnie Singer, Ph.D.


120 min.



Vivido stick figure reading on a stack of books

In school, students are called on to learn by reading every day. Many are able to decode, but when it comes to accessing meaning and remembering what they read, they struggle.

Comprehension of text involves a swirl of cognitive and linguistic abilities, among which are executive functions, a set of brain-based processes that support learning.

As executive functions don’t fully develop until adulthood, educators need proven strategies to help students manage all that’s involved in reading comprehension.

This live webinar will explore the ways in which executive functions both support and constrain reading comprehension.

Walk away with 5 proven teaching strategies you can use right away to support students with understanding what they read.

This is for

  • General and special educators, SLPs, literacy specialists, instructional coaches, and school psychologists who teach grades 2 – 12


  • Awareness of cognitive and linguistic factors that influence Five instructional strategies you can use immediately with students who struggle with reading comprehension
  • Certificate for 2 Professional Development/Certification Maintenance hours

How it works

Link provided upon checkout and via order confirmation email. All purchases are final.

Content and materials may be accessed immediately but only for 10 days.

After completing the class and a brief evaluation, you will receive a Certificate of Completion for 2 Professional Development / Certification Maintenance hours via email.